Types of Wardrobe or Kleiderschrank

Types of Wardrobe or Kleiderschrank

Many people don’t know that there are types of wardrobe that have their own advantages when you compare them. Most people have a small 40-inch wardrobe or kleiderschrank 100 cm breit that will do the job but if you have a lot of clothing and accessories, you might think about getting something bigger.

Some of them have their own ventilation system to keep the clothes in the best condition and also they have special lightning for you to see how they fit you. These types are more expensive but a dream for many women. Men usually own smaller closets that take less space and less maintenance.

Walk-in Closets

This type of closet is the best option for storing accessories, shoes and clothes if you have the budget for it. The name suggests that you can walk into it because of the size, it is a whole separate room made for …

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