Finished Basement – Increase the Value of Your Home While Adding More Living Space
As a representative in Vaughan, I often get questions about simply how much value a finished basement adds to a property in Vaughan. My answer is “that depends”. Not the most definitive answer, though the truth is there certainly are some factors that affect the rise in value (if any) a house owner can expect to realize for a finished basement.
Here are some of the more vital considerations.
1. Intended standby time with the finished space
This is probably the most important factor concerning determining the added value that a finished basement produces in a particular home. Ask yourself this question: Was the basement finished to get a specific reason? Sure almost any finished basement adds to the overall home but does it serve a certain function? Basements that have been through with a particular end-use within the mind will typically create a greater ROI. Examples include:
Basement apartment …
Finished Basement – Increase the Value of Your Home While Adding More Living Space Read More